iCare Case Study
As we all know, a small population can be extremely challenging - it is hard to get the numbers when every "Yes" matters.
iCare is a small health insurance provider that provides benefits to people with disabilities and low-income populations. iCare had been using a retail network model - because people need to visit a pharmacy to get their prescriptions, but it wasn’t working! We hear this a lot. But here is the reality, face to face isn’t what gets the conversion.
When working with a special needs population, the concern is that they could be hard to reach by phone, but we knew it could be done, and we did it! Our genuine approach and telephonic-based engagement model really shined with the iCare population.
Contrary to the belief that patients would respond better to a CMR request by their dispensing pharmacist, their engagement was much higher when contacted by phone. The phone provides more convenience and safety that an in-person interview. By showing care and compassion for their members, our associates and pharmacists were able to make a connection, complete the medication review, and have a positive impact on members’ health.
They made the leap, and they wanted a guarantee that we could get them the numbers that we said we could.
We Have Lift-off
iCare came to us after working for three years with another provider and seeing small, incremental results. Looking to break this cycle and try something new, iCare made the leap and hired us.
We got to work, we reached out with persistence and we really got to know their population - and this approach worked. We got them the results they needed, pushing their completion rate from 69% when we started, to a projected CMR completion rate of 91.2%!
We not only met the goals and expectations - we exceeded them. We had confidence in our approach, we guaranteed our results and we got it done!
We have a lot more to say, but we’ll cut to the chase…
Work hard, make patients happy, get five star ratings. It’s that simple.

myMTMcare partners with health plans to work toward a common goal: increasing CMR completion rates and achieving a 5 star rating. We reach the last 20% of customers other MTM companies don’t by personally and emphatically engaging with each customer.
Simply put, we are your 5 Star CMR completion rate partner. We know shifting cut points for ratings make achieving goals challenging, but we can help. Our friendly staff makes higher ratings effortless. We take time to get to know you, your customers, and your challenges so we can work together to make big things happen.